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  • Mold Removal/Remediation - Serving Beyond Expectationsstar-rating | Certified, Licensed, 20 Yrs. Exp. - Price Guarantee - 10 Year Warranty. Fast Scheduling, Quick Turn-Around, Certified - Licensed - 20 Yrs. Exp.
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  • Mold Removal - Having Mold At Home? - 4.9/5 Star Ratingstar-rating | Most Awarded Basement Waterproofing Contractor in Springfield. Call FRS Now! Springfield Basement Waterproofing Leader. 17+ Years, 100K+ Homes Repaired, 1K+ Reviews.
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Interested in "Mold Removal"?

Indoor mold is a common problems one deals with at home. The fungi grows and thrives in a humid environment and some water-damaged spots. If left unchecked, mold damage causes severe structural and stability issues in buildings. And this may even result in catastrophic consequences. Active mold growth will also have adverse health effects, like res

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Are you one of the many people unknowingly living or working in water damaged building? Did you know it may be dramatically affecting your health? It’s estimated that indoor air pollutants, including mold and mycotoxins may be contributing to more than 50% of our patient’s illnesses. Typically we think of smog, smoke, and outdoor pollution as detrimental to our health but indoor air quality may be an even bigger risk to your health. Many patients are unaware that a toxic home or workplace is contributing to their symptoms.

Exposure to water-damaged indoor environments is associated with exposure to molds. The most common types of mold that are found indoors include Cladosporium, Penicillium, Alternaria, and Aspergillus. Stachybotrys chartarum (sometimes referred to as “toxic black mold”) is a greenish-black mold, which grows on household surfaces that have high cellulose content, such as wood, fiberboard, gypsum board, paper, dust, and lint and is usually an indicator that there has been elevated moisture present or previous water damage.

Some molds secrete mycotoxins, that can be measured in the urine, such as ochratoxin, aflatoxin, and trichothecenes. Exposure to mold and mold components is well known to trigger inflammation, allergies and asthma, oxidative stress, and immune dysfunction in both human and animal studies. Mold spores, fungal fragments, and mycotoxins can be measured in the indoor environments of moldy buildings and in humans who are exposed to these environments. Most of the time, we are exposed to molds, like stachybotrys, through the skin contact, through ingestion, and by inhalation. Most common are reports of exposure involve water-damaged homes, schools, office buildings, court houses, hospitals, and hotels. It’s estimated that as many as 25% of buildings in the US have had some sort of water damage. Molds have the ability to produce various symptoms, such as skin rashes, respiratory distress, various types of inflammation, cognitive issues, neurological symptoms, and immune suppression. The most common symptoms associated with mold exposure are allergic rhinitis and new onset asthma.


Moisture combined with warmth in any environment is the major predecessor to black mold. Bathrooms, especially showers, are not the only prime locations for mold. The basement, especially if there is any water leakage, is another common area for black mold to flourish.

Another place to watch out for black mold is your HVAC or air conditioning system, which is constantly recycling air. If there is moisture in the air, this can lead to moisture inside the system, which can then lead to mold growth. In addition to the mold actually growing within the inside of the system itself, now you have a system that’s spewing out mold spores into your living space. This is why it’s so important to have your system checked and cleaned regularly, or even replaced if the system already contains mold.

Top Symptoms Associated with Mold-Associated Illness:

  1. Fatigue and weakness
  2. Headache, light sensitivity
  3. Poor memory, difficult word finding
  4. Difficulty concentration
  5. Morning stiffness, joint pain
  6. Unusual skin sensations, tingling and numbness
  7. Shortness of breath, sinus congestion or chronic cough
  8. Appetite swings, body temperature regulation,
  9. Increased urinary frequency or increased thirst
  10. Red eyes, blurred vision, sweats, mood swings, sharp pains
  11. Abdominal pain, diarrhea, bloating
  12. Tearing, disorientation, metallic taste in mouth
  13. Static shocks
  14. Vertigo, feeling lightheaded

Checklist that might indicate mold exposure or mold sensitivity

  • Do musty odors bother you?
  • Have you worked or lived in a building where the air vents or ceiling tiles were discolored?
  • Have you noticed water damage or discoloration elsewhere?
  • Has your home been flooded?
  • Have you had leaks in the roof?
  • Do you experience unusual shortness of breath?
  • Do you experience recurring sinus infections?
  • Do you experience recurring respiratory infections and coughing?
  • Do you have frequent flu-like symptoms?
  • Do your symptoms worsen on rainy days?
  • Do you have frequent headaches?
  • Are you fatigued and have a skin rashes?

How do I Treat Mold/mycotoxin Exposure?

Remove yourself from the contaminated environment first. (don’t even think about going on to other treatments until you get out of the contaminated environment)

Avoid exposure to porous items (paper, clothing, etc) from the moldy environment.

Use clay, charcoal, cholestyramine or other binders to bind internal mycotoxins

The Shoemaker protocol has proven effectiveness for cholestyramine powder or prescription Welchol as off-label bile sequestering agents to decrease total toxic load of mold and other toxins from water damaged buildings.

  • While you are using binders, you must maintain normal bowel function and avoid constipation. You can add magnesium citrate, buffered C powder, or even gentle laxatives if needed.
  • Treat colonizing molds/fungal or bacterial infections in the body
  • Common locations of colonization include sinuses, gut, bladder, vagina, lungs
  • Test and treat for candida overgrowth – living in an environment with mold leads to immune dysregulation that allows candida to overgrow in the body in some immunocompromised patients
  • Some common supplements are liposomal glutathione, milk thistle, n-acetylcysteine, alpha lipoid acid, glycine, glutamine, and taurine. Methylation support is also key and involves optimal levels of methylcobalamin (B12), methyl-folate, B6, riboflavin, and minerals
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  • Avoid common mycotoxin containing foods:
  • Corn, wheat, barley, rye, peanuts, sorghum, cottonseed, some cheeses, and beverages such as wine and beer. Others include oats, rice, tree nuts pistachios, brazil nuts, chiles, oil seeds, spices, black pepper, dried fruits, figs, coffee, cocoa, beans, bread.

Natural Ways to Deal with Black Mold

Raw Garlic

Raw garlic has amazing antifungal abilities, which is just what your body needs when it has been exposed to black mold. Garlic helps to kill off fungi, molds and yeasts. Two to four grams of fresh garlic per day, or 600 milligrams to 900 milligrams of garlic tablets daily, is recommended for toxic mold exposure.

Activated Charcoal

Activated charcoal can be taken as a supplement for mold cleansing. Most people don’t think about mold living in their bodies, but it can, and activated charcoal is a potent natural treatment. It traps toxins in the body, allowing them to be flushed out so the body doesn’t reabsorb them. Activated charcoal is made from a variety of sources, but when used for natural healing, it’s important to select activated charcoal made from coconut shells or other natural sources.


It’s so much more than a green pigment found in plants. I’m talking about chlorophyll, which has shown an ability to protect DNA from damage caused by toxic molds like aflatoxin. Chlorophyll also has antibacterial and antifungal properties, making it a highly recommended part of any healthy diet, but especially one that is looking to fight black mold symptoms.

Chlorophyll is in green vegetables, especially dark green leafy ones, so eat them regularly. Chlorella, spirulina and phytoplankton are three of the best sources of chlorophyll; they’re available in a variety of supplement forms.

Cut Down or Cut Out Sugar

If you’re suffering from mold toxicity, sugar is definitely not your friend. Fungi, which include molds and yeasts, require the presence of sugar for survival. Eliminate, or significantly cut down, your sugar intake to help to get rid of any black mold symptoms.

Identify the Moisture Source

The absolute key to dealing with black mold anywhere is to identify what’s creating the warm, damp environment in which the black mold can flourish. If you clean up black mold but don’t address the source of the moisture, then the black mold is highly likely to return. No natural or conventional treatment will prevent or remove mold permanently unless you remove mold’s necessary ingredient, which is moisture.

Fix the Source

You need to completely fix any water leaks, enable better ventilation where humidity is high and/or address any HVAC system problems. You can also purchase a dehumidifier for any areas that tend to be too humid. Exhaust fans are in kitchens and bathrooms for good reason. Make sure you use them to get moisture out of these prime mold areas.

Throw Away Mold-Ridden Items

Discard any items that are porous or if you are unable to completely remove the mold from them. It’s also a very smart idea to get rid of any carpets that have been flooded because they’re very prone to mold. Never paint or caulk over moldy surfaces.

Tea Tree Oil

Bleach will definitely work to effectively kill black mold. However, it’s ideal not to turn to bleach since bleach comes with so many concerning health side effects, including irritation to the eyes, mouth, lungs and skin. If you have asthma or another breathing problem, then the use of bleach is even more health-hazardous. Bleach can also burn human tissue, both internally and externally, especially in small children.

Baking Soda

Baking soda is another great natural anti-mold substance. Mix a teaspoon of baking soda with two cups of water in a spray bottle. Make sure to shake the mixture well. Next, spray the moldy areas and use a scrubbing brush to scrub the black mold away. Rinse the area and spray it again with the baking soda solution. This time just let it dry.


Put undiluted white distilled vinegar into a spray bottle and spray the vinegar directly on the moldy area(s). Let it set without any rinsing or scrubbing. This is a smelly natural mold remedy, but it’s said to be highly effective and the vinegar scent will fade.

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  • 5945 Wilbur Ave,Tarzana,CA

    Full Service company specializing in Flood & Water Damage,Sewage Backup,Crawl Space ,Restoration,Leak Detection,Mold Remediation, Patio and Deck Addition,

    (181) 869 - 6444

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  • 1100 Orangethorpe Ave,Anaheim,CA

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  • 16847 Ventura Blvd Unit Ste 228,Encino,CA

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  • 4420 W Lakeside Dr Ste 9,Burbank,CA

    24 hrs servicesWaterDamage Restoration Water Extraction, Water Damage Clean Upwater removal company, Fire DamageMold Removal, Mold Remediation GeneralContractor,

    (181) 853 - 2908

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  • 666 Universal Hollywood Dr N Unit Ste 6,Hollywood,CA

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    (181) 853 - 2908

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