Ways to effectively manage schizophrenia

Ways to effectively manage schizophrenia

Schizophrenia is a long-term mental health disorder that affects a person’s thoughts and behavior. There is disparity between their thoughts, emotions, and actions, which leads to fantasy or even delusion in some. There is no exact cause known for this disorder, but genetics, environment, and altered brain chemistry, all possibly play a role in this illness.

The symptoms of this disorder are divided into three different categories namely positive, negative, and disorganized.

  • Positive symptoms
    Behavioral and thought-related changes, such as hallucinations; paranoia; and exaggerated/distorted perceptions, beliefs, and behaviors are classified as positive symptoms.
  • Negative symptoms
    A decrease in the ability to speak, express emotions, make plans, and find pleasure in activities are some of the negative symptoms.
  • Disorganized symptoms
    Abnormal movements, bizarre behavior, disoriented thinking and speech, and an inability to think logically are a few disorganized symptoms of the condition.

The symptoms of schizophrenia can vary from person to person, and the lack of use of prescribed medications, consumption of alcohol or illicit drugs, and stress can intensify these symptoms. It is to be noted that the incidences of severe psychotic symptoms often reduce in older people than in young persons.

Apart from the above-mentioned symptoms, cognitive function is tremendously affected by the advent of this illness. Divided attention, an inability to to concentrate, loss of memory, and even declining educational performance, are all signs of schizophrenia.

There is no sure-shot cure for schizophrenia yet, but there are methods of treatment that can help individuals manage this disorder effectively. Some of them are:

  • Medication
    One of the first steps in treating schizophrenia is antipsychotic medications that improve the symptoms present in the acute phase of the illness. With continued use of these medications prescribed through a certified psychiatrist, the symptoms can become less and less with time.
  • Behavioral therapy
    Apart from medication, other psychological treatments include cognitive behavioral therapy, which is also known as supportive psychotherapy. This type of treatment may be helpful in reducing some symptoms of the illness and help in enhancing an individual’s function.
  • Rehabilitation
    As is the case with certain illnesses, the success of treatment depends a great deal on the patient. While some may be able to lead independent lives by themselves, there will be some who may continue to need help and support from specialists.

Rehabilitation therapies help in managing and improving the lives of those suffering from this disorder. With continued therapy and psychosocial support, people are taught to learn social skills that will help them live an independent and fulfilling life. Apart from this, they are also taught to cope with stress and recognize the early signs of relapse in their illness.

Since this is an illness that sets in in early adulthood, rehabilitation prepares the individuals to develop life-management skills that will help them in the future. They are even given vocation and educational training, which will allow them to lead a fuller life in the future. Therapists, volunteers, and caregivers who provide a safe space for patients to learn to manage their illness play an important role in treating schizophrenia.

It is, however, important for the caregiver to have a support group for themselves to be able to take better care of individuals with schizophrenia. It is also advisable that schizophrenia sufferers connect with and talk to as many people with similar experiences as possible, to be able to cope better and in a healthy manner.