Types and symptoms of ulcerative colitis

Types and symptoms of ulcerative colitis

Ulcerative colitis is a disease that is responsible for causing ulcer-like inflammations on the linings of the digestive tract. It is very common and is known to last throughout a person’s life, with symptoms appearing at different intensities. This disease is a part of a group of conditions known as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).

Usually, this condition begins in the inner linings of the rectum and eventually spreads upwards throughout the entire colon and digestive tract. Even though this condition is commonly observed all over the world in a wide majority of people, the causes that lead to this condition are yet unknown. Read on to know the types and symptoms of ulcerative colitis.

Types of ulcerative colitis

  • Ulcerative proctitis: In this type of colitis, the inflammation is usually restricted to the rectal area and does not spread further up the digestive tract.
  • Proctosigmoiditis: In proctosigmoiditis, the inflammation travels further up as compared to ulcerative proctitis and is known to affect the rectum as well as the sigmoidal region of the colon i.e., the region adjacent to the rectum.
  • Left-sided colitis: The inflammation spreads across the lower three regions of the colon and affects the rectum, the sigmoid colon, and the descending colon.
  • Pancolitis: This is a more severe type of colitis and is known to affect the entire length of the colon with low-grade inflammations.
  • Acute severe ulcerative colitis: Also known as fulminant colitis, acute severe ulcerative colitis is a rare condition that affects the entire length of the colon, spreading across the right colon, left colon, transverse colon, and the rectum. The symptoms of this condition are more severe and can cause diarrhea and bleeding.

Symptoms of ulcerative colitis

  • The most common symptom involved in ulcerative colitis is recurring diarrhea, with instances of blood appearing in stools. Some people experience symptoms such as diarrhea with more intensity than others inconsistently.
  • People with ulcerative colitis also experience severe pain in their abdomen, rectum along with other unrelated parts of the body. The patients often describe such pain as resembling stomach cramps and gut cramps that can be felt before or during bowel movements. Furthermore, they experience soreness in joints and discomfort in the eyes when directly looking at bright lights.
  • Some of the most prominent symptoms of ulcerative colitis include nausea and a poor appetite. These symptoms, along with unpredictable diarrhea, can often result in a drastic weight loss in some patients. The body fails to receive the required nutrients, leading to patients often experiencing tremendous fatigue and tiredness.
  • Other common symptoms include dehydration, fever, rectal bleeding, and stunted growth in children.

While there is no definite cure for ulcerative colitis, there are several types of treatments that can be used to ease and relieve certain symptoms and also prevent some of them from returning. Such treatment options include taking medications such as aminosalicylates (ASAs), immunosuppressants, and corticosteroids.

Conditions where the symptoms are much milder can be treated at home without the need for hospitalization.

In case the symptoms worsen even after taking medications or in case of severe symptoms, doctors may suggest getting a surgery, Ileostomy, where the entire colon is removed by creating a new pathway for egestion.

Besides these methods, certain natural remedies such as the use of probiotics, turmeric, Boswellia, and Bromelain can also be used if the symptoms are mild.