Benefits and uses of portable oxygen concentrators

Benefits and uses of portable oxygen concentrators

Portable oxygen concentrators (POCs) are for people who suffer from any type of respiratory disorder and need supplemental oxygen to breathe easily. Unlike the traditional oxygen tanks, POCs eliminate the need to move around with heavy tanks and offer more flexibility. This portable option enables the user to maintain the quality of life and daily routine. Read on to know the benefits and uses of POCs.

How does it work?
The air we breathe in has more nitrogen and less oxygen. POCs purify the air to supply mostly oxygen (99%) and a negligible amount of nitrogen. They work on a battery that can be charged anywhere with an electrical plug. Some even come with an adapter that allows you to charge it while driving. It needs no refills and has no heavy tanks, so that you will never run out of oxygen.

The many benefits of a POC include the following.

  • Ease of use
    POCs are easy to use and completely safe to carry along. There are many types available, and their functionality may differ. However, it’s not difficult to operate them. The easiest to use are the canned oxygen cylinders that only require one to plug the mask into the spray nozzle and place it over their nose and mouth. However, one will be expected to monitor their oxygen intake if they are on medically prescribed oxygen therapy, thus requiring a POC with a control panel. It helps one monitor their liter and pulse flow, and prompts them if they’re doing anything wrong. It also displays the battery life to ensure one doesn’t run out of oxygen.
  • Flexibility
    Since POCs are battery-powered and compact, they don’t interfere with the lifestyle of the user. With an AC/DC adapter, it can be used in any place with an electrical outlet, without having to worry about changing refills and tanks. This enables the users to go about their daily chores freely and accomplish things like any other normal person. This sense of capability and freedom that a POC brings along makes it an excellent investment for people with respiratory disorders.
  • Mobility
    POCs are very discreet and compact and can be carried and used by patients anywhere. Thanks to POCs, patients can participate in sports and other physical activities too, without any worry.
  • Customizable
    Depending on one’s lifestyle and needs, doctors may suggest different types of oxygen therapy. Since POCs are customizable, they can adapt to one’s needs. For example, POCs can be easily customized to one’s prescribed pulse flow. This would be nearly impossible with traditional oxygen tanks.
  • Enhanced sleep quality
    Due to the drop in oxygen saturation levels, patients with lung disease usually suffer from disrupted sleeping patterns, affecting their overall well-being. In this case, doctors prescribe oxygen therapy to achieve a good night’s sleep.
  • Safety
    POCs are far safer to handle than oxygen tanks, which can leak and lead to fire hazards. POCs don’t carry as much oxygen as tanks, thus reducing the risk of an accident.

The other benefits of using oxygen concentrators include better mental alertness, improved organ function, and increased stamina.

Uses of portable oxygen concentrators
Other than medical prescription, POCs are used for several other purposes such as altitude acclimatization, sudden breathlessness, curing headaches, jet lags, and hangovers.

One of the apparent drawbacks of POCs is its high purchase cost. But when compared with the maintenance cost of cylinders, paying for refills, and so on, one roughly pays a similar amount.