A comprehensive guide on auto insurance providers

A comprehensive guide on auto insurance providers

With many options, picking auto insurance can be a difficult yet important task. Buying auto insurance protects a car owner against accidental damage and theft. However, choosing the right auto insurance includes combing through details such as coverage, cost, and tenure, making it a complex task. To help you narrow down your choices, here is a comprehensive guide on factors to consider while buying auto insurance.

  • Coverage

The primary factor to consider while selecting an auto insurance provider is the coverage. The higher the coverage, the better protected is your vehicle against damages. Coverage depends on factors like the type of vehicle, its age, and the owner’s driving record.

  • Reviews

One of the easiest and reliable ways to gauge an auto insurance provider is to check their online reviews. Online reviews are easily accessible and provide necessary insights into their services.

  • Grace period

If you have to take a rain check on premium payments, you can do so under the grace period. The grace period allows you to postpone payments for a certain number of months. Choosing an insurance provider with a long grace period can help you during a financial crisis.

  • Deductibles

Deductibles are the amount a consumer has to pay to an auto insurance provider before the insurance’s coverage starts. Higher deductibles can possibly result in lower premiums. However, this will entail paying a large amount before the auto insurance is active.

Consider the above-mentioned factors to narrow down your list of possible insurance providers. To help you, here five best auto insurance providers.

  • Gecko

Gecko provides coverage for both automobiles and their parts. It provides coverage for up to seven years. With a premium amount of approximately $1270 and a deductible of $250, it is surely one of the best and most affordable auto insurance policies available in the market.

  • State Farm

State Farm is one of the best auto insurance providers as they pay for rentals when the insured automobile is in the garage undergoing repairs. The policy even covers damage to parts and repair costs along with transportation if the consumer is stranded more than 50 miles from home. The provider offers all of this for a premium of $1490.

  • Nationwide Insurance

Nationwide is a reliable insurance provider that costs an average of $1864 annually. It provides coverage for most automobile requirements and is one of the providers with the least number of consumer complaints. A minimum coverage policy by Nationwide costs $502 for a six month period.

  • USAA

The company provides insurance coverage to a small target audience; however, its service is impeccable. The average annual cost of getting a USAA auto insurance is $1169 dollars, saving approximately $700 for veterans who switch over from other providers.

  • Progressive

Progressive auto insurance is one of the cheapest options that are especially beneficial for people who have DUI records. Progressive reduces the deductible by $50 every time the policy isn’t claimed in its active period. Progressive helps save approximately $699 annually.