6 ways to boost your immune system

6 ways to boost your immune system

Our body uses antibodies like T-cells and B-cells to fight diseases and infections. These antibodies or lymphocytes are a part of a bigger system called the immune system. The immune system comprises organs that produce these disease-fighting cells and a dedicated circulation system that helps transport these cells to different parts of the body. However, a weak immune system can find it difficult to defend the body from infections. The following are some ways to boost the immune system.

Nutrient-rich meals
The fast-paced lifestyle has changed the way we eat our meals. Most packaged on-the-go meals are devoid of necessary nutrients to keep the immune system healthy. Hence, one of the main reasons for a weakened immune system is the lack of nutrients in meals. Therefore, it is important to incorporate more natural foods into your daily diet. Natural food sources are rich in vitamins and minerals that help the immune system make more antibodies, protecting the body from a host of diseases and infections.

Drink more water
Hydration can be one of the simplest ways to boost the immune system. While this may not directly help you get a stronger immune system, hydration can certainly improve kidney functioning and digestion, thereby preventing the body from getting dehydrated. So, drinking plenty of water can help avoid these complications and decrease the body’s susceptibility to contracting infections and diseases.

Limit processed foods
It might not be easy to completely curb processed foods given the fast-paced lifestyle. Processed foods contain preservatives and taste enhancers to increase its shelf life. However, these preservatives can be harmful to the immune system. Many preservatives can also trigger an auto-immune response. Added sugars in aerated drinks, confectionaries, and other baked goods can increase the risk of obesity and diabetes, which can weaken the immune system. So, limiting such foods or eating them in moderation will keep some chronic conditions at bay, thereby preserving the immune system.

Exercise regularly
This is one of the simplest ways to boost the immune system. Metabolism is the ability to process foods to extract energy and nutrients. Low metabolism is one of the main reasons for a weakened immune system. In such cases, no matter how healthy one’s diet is, a sedentary lifestyle can prove to be counterproductive for a healthy immune system. A good metabolism also helps in increasing the blood circulation in the body. This keeps all the organs healthy due to a sufficient supply of oxygen from the blood. So, exercising and staying active will help maintain the body’s metabolism, thereby absorbing nutrients and energy from meals and keeping the immune system healthy and intact.

Be mindful of developing symptoms
Overlooking any developing symptoms or not treating symptoms of chronic conditions can gradually weaken the immune system. Chronic conditions, such as heart diseases, arthritis, asthma, and diabetes, can increase the risk of suffering from infections because the immune system is already occupied managing the symptoms of chronic diseases. It is imperative to take ongoing medications and have a healthy diet to reduce the frequency of chronic symptoms and keep other infections at bay.

Get enough sleep
This is one of the best ways to boost the immune system. Sleep is usually overlooked when it comes to having a healthy immune system. Lack of sleep can increase the body’s susceptibility toward infections and diseases. Getting enough sleep replenishes the immune system and makes more antibodies. It also helps the body to get rid of older cells and make newer, stronger cells. Doctors recommend that adults, teens, and infants get at least 7, 8, and 12 hours of sleep each night to maintain a healthy immune system.