5 things to know before you switch to electric cars

5 things to know before you switch to electric cars

Making a transition from a traditionally fueled vehicle to a hybrid or completely electric vehicle can be both exciting and overwhelming. From operation to maintenance, electric cars have their own set of pros and cons that need to be considered carefully. This article sheds light on the various factors that you need to know before switching to electric cars.

However, let us first answer the question, “Why buy an electric car?” Because electric cars can be surprisingly cheaper to maintain than their fuel-powered counterparts. Auto experts suggest that the cost of driving an all-electric car can be as much as half that of traditional cars. You can also reduce your carbon footprint by driving an electric car as it has lower emissions and can thus help save on oil consumption. Having said that, here are a few things to be considered before you decide to buy an electric car:

  • Types of electric cars
    All electric cars can be charged from a 110- or 240-volt external charger. Then there are fuel-cell cars that produce onboard electricity using hydrogen through an electrochemical reaction, and can run for up to 300 miles per charge. These cars have comparatively faster yet silent acceleration. However, these cars are limited and costlier due to a lack of infrastructure and challenges in producing pure hydrogen in required quantities. Hybrid cars, on the other hand, have more takers. This is because they are flexible and come with alternatives. They can use gasoline for driving on highways and long journeys and can be switched to electric cars when used for shorter miles.
  • Car charging
    This is one of the most important factors that you should consider while planning on buying an electric car. Electric car charging can be done externally as well as through on-board chargers. These external chargers are referred to as electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE). Car manufacturers usually provide these with a charging cord. Conventional EVSEs facilitate level-one charging, which means that you can charge your vehicle with a 100- to 120-volt power outlet. You may have to spend somewhere between $500 and $1,000 to buy a separate, level-two EVSE. You can also take your car to public charging stations. While most public charging providers require you to swipe a charging network card to initiate charging, some charge your car without this requirement.
  • Charging time
    Using a standard 110-volt outlet will charge the car in nearly 24 hours. This can be a lot of time if you need to use the corona daily basis. Installing a level-two charging facility can enable a charging power of 240 volts, which can replenish your car battery in around five hours. Public charging stations usually have level-three chargers that can charge an electric car in under an hour.
  • Operating range
    The current range of operation of most electric cars is more than 200 miles on a single charge. Make sure that the electric car you are planning to buy fulfills your daily commute for the entire week on a single charge. It is also important to note that electric cars drain faster when driving at high speeds. An electric car’s operating range can also suffer in cold temperatures as the use of a heater in the car can drain its operating range by about 40 percent.
  • Applications
    Electric car manufacturers have developed smart-phone applications that don’t only allow you to lock and unlock cars remotely, but also check and monitor the battery status of your car. This prepares you to charge the vehicle at your garage or take it to the nearest public charging station. Some applications also automatically adjust the heating and cooling of the cabin. This means that a car’s cooling system will shut down at an optimum temperature, ensuring better battery performance.

In conclusion, the key to selecting an electric vehicle is vetting its reliability and versatility. Make sure that you buy one from a known auto manufacturer that has good customer ratings and a strong portfolio.