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Showing 7 - 9 of 61 results.
  • What Yoga poses help in curing sinusitis?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    Cow face (Gowmukhasana), head to knee (Janu Sirasana), cobra (Bhujangasana), camel (Ustarasana), bridge (Setu Bandhasana), downward facing(Adho mukho asana), and all limbs (Sarvangasana) poses.
  • Which yoga exercises help relieve neck stiffness?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    Find time for some yoga postures and practice that would keep away stiff neck and associated shoulder pains. Some of the yoga postures would be the neck stretch, thread the needle, supported fish posture, the dolphin posture, forward fold with neck stretch, forward fold with chest and shoulder stretch, and the wall chest and shoulder opener. These
  • Can Cushings be caused by stress?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    Cortisol is the hormone the body produces to help you in times of stress. It is good to have cortisol at normal levels, but when those levels get too high it causes health problems. Although cortisol is related to stress, there is no evidence that Cushing's syndrome is directly or indirectly caused by stress.