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  • Which is the best computer keyboard in the world?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    The answer is not only subjective, but also varies depending on what use you see for it. For example, Logitech is better for ergonomics and fast typing while Razer is better for gaming, and if you just want an extra peripheral to make your entertainment easier, you could go with Amkette.
  • Why are there no OLED computer monitors?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    OLED displays are prohibitively expensive to make. Are very hard to calibrate. And age quickly. Because of their organic nature, each colour matrix degrades at a different rate. This further distorts the colour balance with age, throwing any calibration done right out of the window. They are also susceptible to burn-ins on desktop monitors where th
  • Where will you get cheap computer parts?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    If you are shopping for computer parts, you need a trustworthy place to buy from. ot all retailers are the same?some offer great discounts, good customer service, and even helpful tools so you buy the best gear for your money. The best places to shop parts include Micro Center, NCIX, Newegg, Amazon and Tigerdirect.