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Showing 4 - 6 of 1904 results.
  • Is it easy to get a car loan for an affordable car as opposed to an expensive one?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    The condition of getting a car loan depends upon several factors. Not only the type of the car is applicable but your source of finance, credit score, valid identity proof and the amount of down payment are also important. In case of having a good credit score, you may get a car loan easily on buying any of the affordable new cars.
  • How many kilometers is too much for a used car?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    As a rule of thumb, the average car will rack up 20,000 km per year ラ the distance manufacturers use to determine standard warranty coverage. A seven-year-old model should have 140,000 to 150,000 km on the odometer. If it has traveled considerably more, deduct cash for high mileage. The ideal answer is yes.
  • How many miles is too much for a used car to buy?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    If properly maintained, newer used vehicles can make it well past 100,000 miles before something expensive breaks. Some can even break the 200,000 mile mark. On average, though, used cars tend to be driven between 12,000 and 15,000 miles a year.