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Showing 1 - 3 of 54 results.
  • How do you get stains out of grout?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    If needed, dip the wet brush into the oxygenated bleach to make a paste. Wipe clean, then let dry. Tip: To lift extra-dark stains, squeeze lemon juice onto the stain, let it soak in, then scrub, wipe clean and let the grout dry. Use lemon juice sparingly, since it can damage some tile finishes.
  • How do you remove mildew from shower grout?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    Dip your toothbrush or grout brush in the paste and work it into the grout. Spray the area with your vinegar + water solution. The vinegar will cause the baking soda to bubble up and will start to work away that nasty soap scum. Use your brush and get all the way into the grout lines to remove buildup
  • Can you lighten tile grout with bleach?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    Chlorine bleach is a common cleaning product that removes mildew and mold, and can also alter the color of the surface on which you apply it. If your grout is discolored because of mildew growth or staining, you can apply a bleach solution to lighten it. Bleach can lighten grout in any area of the home.