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Showing 4 - 6 of 11 results.
  • How to pay less for your refrigerator purchase in the US?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    To pay less for your refrigerator, it is important to know your needs and negotiate the prices accordingly. You can buy a pre-owned refrigerator or also opt for an exchange offer which will knock off quite a few bucks from the price tag. Keep an eye out for clearance sales or offers during the festive season to get good prices
  • Is adopting and maintaining an adopted yorkie an expensive affair?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    Keep in mind that the average American household spends around $636 a year on their dog. This doesnt include unexpected expenses like vet bills, pet sitters, and springing for that really cute doghouse that looks just like your dream house. Also, certain breeds require more grooming than others which can set you back a few hundred dollars a ye
  • How can coupons help you get good deals on refrigerators?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    If you have gift coupons then you can easily get a refrigerator at a good price. You can also avail the stores loyalty program, add yourself to the newsletter subscription list, and search for discount coupons online to get some of the best deals on the refrigerator you wish to buy.