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Showing 1 - 3 of 137 results.
  • What is a semi recumbent exercise bike?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    Upright bikes more closely mimic bicycling outdoor while recumbent bikes provide more comfort and back support. Both are effective for increasing heart rate to burn the calories necessary for weight reduction, so choose the bike that's most comfortable for you since this will impact the duration of your rides.
  • Are exercise bikes a good workout?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    Indoor cycling is arduous, exhilarating, challenging and ultimately very effective. A leisurely hour-long bike ride burns around 298 for a person who weighs 155 pounds.  Riding a stationary bike indoors isn't just good exercise -- it's an effective way to burn off fat.
  • How high should an exercise bike seat be?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    Seat height: On an upright bike, start by adjusting your seat to about the height of your hip. Have a seat, placing your feet on/into the pedals. With one leg fully extended (foot flat and parallel to the floor), you should have only a small bend in your knee about 5-10 degrees.