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Showing 1 - 3 of 311 results.
  • What is the most dangerous sport in the world?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    The sport where mere completion and coming out unscathed is also a challenge has to be the most dangerous sport in the world. Heli skiing, base jumping, rock climbing, white water rafting, big wave surfing, bull riding are just a few of the most dangerous sports in the world.
  • How is the handling of luxury Sports Cars?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    All luxury sports cars successfully combine the following attributes: cutting edge automotive technology, stylish design, and the exclusivity that comes with limited units from a particular model's cycle. But more than a well-appointed ride for the passengers, it's the driver who gets all the fun: a powerful yet efficient engine, advanced on-board
  • Which are few of track and field sport events?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    The decathlon is composed of 10 events that take place over two days. The steeplechase is filled with obstacles, including hurdles and water jumps throughout the 3,000-meter course. Hurdling is a challenging event that requires competitors to sprint while leaping over hurdles. Walking races are also included in track and field events. Relays are a