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  • How can I prevent pimples on my face?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    1) Keep your face clean. 2) Moisturize. 3) Try an acne product. 4) Use makeup sparingly. 5) Watch what you put on your hair.
  • How do you get rid of teenage acne?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    To help prevent the oil buildup that can lead to acne, wash your face once or twice a day with warm water and a mild soap or cleanser. Don't scrub your face. Scrubbing can actually make acne worse by irritating the skin. Wash gently, using your hands instead of a washcloth.
  • Why do girls get pimples on their face?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    The bumps can be blackheads, whiteheads, pimples, or cysts. Teens get acne because of the hormonal changes that come with puberty. As the body begins to mature and develop, though, hormones stimulate the sebaceous glands to make more sebum. Pores become clogged if there is too much sebum and too many dead skin cells.