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Showing 7 - 9 of 1091 results.
  • Are pre-sale inspections necessary for selling the house?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    A pre-sale inspection involves the process of a home inspector visiting your house and checks whether your house would meet all the requirements of a buyer. This ensures that you detect any shortcoming in your house and set it right before the actual buyer comes for an inspection. While this costs a little extra money, it is advisable to do get an
  • What is the right time to put the house on market to sell it fast?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    Studies show that houses sold in mid-March and mid-April sell the fastest. Spring and the start of summer are the best times to sell the house as most families would want to finish transactions at this time before the new school year. Keeping a close eye on certain housing sites can also help you determine the best time to sell your house fast.
  • Is it necessary to clean the house to sell it fast?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    Yes. If you want to sell your house, the buyer definitely has to be impressed with the house. If you have kept it dirty with unnecessary items lying all over the place, it creates a bad impression. So, make sure you clean the house properly before selling it. You can even get the house cleaned by a professional so that you can sell it fast and easi