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  • Will my insurance cover folding-mobility scooters as a health assisting device?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    Unfortunately, these mobility scooters are not considered as assistive or aid vehicles. As a result, most insurance companies do not cover their cost. You can, however, talk to your insurance provider to get a confirmation. When you buy these during a folding mobility scooters sale periods, you do get considerable discounts on the price and can aff
  • Is it possible to take a mobility scooter on an airplane?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    All airplanes allow you to carry your mobility scooter on the plane. You do not even have to pay anything for transportation in most cases. Depending on the size of the folding mobility scooters, they may be considered either as carry ons or check-in luggage.
  • Can you take another person with you when you ride the mobility scooter?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    Folding mobility scooters are considered personal vehicles and hence cannot support the weight of a passenger. It is very risky to try taking a co-rider with you. Moreover, it is also not legally allowed. For safe riding, check the manuals of the scooter, understand its limitations, and then start using it.