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Showing 1 - 3 of 58 results.
  • Which type of course is required for a software consultant?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    Mastering the fundamentals of software engineering will help you see if this career is the right fit. One option is to obtain a Bachelor of Software Engineering (B.SE.) at an ABET accredited college or university. You also could teach yourself from books, online tutorials, and/or trial and error. Some students obtain masters degrees in software eng
  • What are the different types of industrial marketing?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    Traditional forms of industrial marketing include advertising in trade journals and magazines, renting booths at trade shows, using manufacturer?s representatives to sell products. The market for these traditional advertising mediums have been steadily dwindling as more industrial goods and services buyers go to the internet to find what they are l
  • How to become a software consultant?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    If you are a self-starter who likes problem solving and logical thinking, being a software consultant could be the right career choice. The finance, government, automotive, and aerospace sectors rely on software consultants to give them technical advice. Consultants advise clients on how to configure large applications, write code, or fix bugs. The