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Showing 1 - 3 of 341 results.
  • How do you clean memory foam mattress pads?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    You can try a home carpet cleaning machine. Spread a clean tarp outside, Have an assistant to hold pad down while you go over it. You can try adding some disinfectant to your detergent (Clorox or Lysol) Even some fabric softener for a fresh fragrance. Dry in the sun on some saw horses. Cover each horse with a clean towel to protect your clean pad.
  • How is a memory foam mattress good for my back?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    Memory foam moulds to the contours of your body and allows you to sleep in the most anatomically correct position, encouraging a straight spine and good posture. The visco-elastic foam mattress moulds with your body heat and the downward pressure you exert on it - therefore it supports you evenly, removing areas of high pressure that you would get
  • How do you go about with bed design?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    The construction of a basic bed is simple. It has a headboard on one end, footboard on the other. In between is the frame whereon the mattress fits. Depending on your taste, you can opt for anything from low-slung platform beds with an Oriental touch, to regular beds with much classy color and finish options. It is good to keep in touch the kind of