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Showing 1 - 3 of 119 results.
  • How many golf courses are there in the world?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    Recent research confirms that there are approximately 32,000 golf courses worldwide. Presently, some 50 million people play golf throughout the world.
  • How to score in golf?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    Golf scoring is as simple as can be. Every time you take a whack at that little white ball, that's a stroke. Every time you make a stroke, count it. At the end of each hole, add up your strokes for that hole and write the number down. At the end of the round, add up the strokes for each hole and, there you have it, your golf score.
  • When and where did golf originate?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    Golf originated from a game played on the coast of Scotland during the 15th century. Golfers would hit a pebble instead of a ball around the sand dunes using a stick or club. After 1750, golf evolved into the sport recognized today. In 1774, Edinburgh golfers wrote the first standardized rules for the game of golf.