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Showing 13 - 15 of 92 results.
  • Why are there so many programming languages?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    Many programming languages started with one programmer making a language for themselves for a specific purpose. These languages then grew. Some companies, like Sun Microsystems and Microsoft create their own languages, Java and .NET spring to mind. Java is cross platform, .NET is less so.
  • Which are the best & most useful programming languages?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    The technology world is expanding immensely and that?s the reason programmers and web developers are in tremendous demand nowadays because they have a good knowledge of programming languages. Various programming languages are now available and each of them has distinct functions. They include Java, PHP, Phyton, Ruby, Perl, C+, Swift, SQL and Objec
  • Is leadership a skill?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    It is clear that the ability to lead effectively relies on a number of key skills, but also that different leaders have very different characteristics and styles. Leadership skills are highly sought after by employers as they involve dealing with people in such a way as to motivate, enthuse and build respect.