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Showing 1 - 3 of 44 results.
  • When do I know it’s time to replace the belt on my vacuum?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    If you think your vacuum isn't cleaning as well as it used to or the brush roll has stopped turning, it may be time to change your belt. First, shut off your vacuum and unplug its cord. It's not difficult to replace the belt as long as you have a screwdriver and a replacement belt. For instructions for your specific vacuum, refer to your
  • How often should I change the filter on my vacuum?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    You don't have to change the filter as often as the bag. If the filter shows signs of wear, or is excessively dirty or torn, it's time to replace it. HEPA filters — ones that remove most dirt particles — should be changed after six months or after the sixth bag change. The owner's manual will tell you where the filter is
  • What is dust capacity of handheld vacuums?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    The amount of dust handheld vacuum cleaners can hold varies, so it's worth looking out for the highest capacity. The higher the dust capacity, the longer you'll be able to clean for without having to empty your vacuum.Handheld vacuum cleaners have a smaller dust capacity than other vacuum cleaners - around 0.5 litres compared with up to 5 litres fo