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  • How do trading platforms work?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    A broker is simply a person who is licensed to trade stocks through the exchange. A broker can be on the trading floor or can make trades by phone or electronically. An exchange is like a warehouse in which people buy and sell stocks. A person or computer must match each buy order to a sell order, and vice versa.
  • What is a trading platform?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    A trading platform is a software through which investors and traders can open, close and manage market positions. Trading platforms are frequently offered by brokers either for free or at a discount rate in exchange for maintaining a funded account and/or making a specified number of trades per month.
  • What is a trading system?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    A trading system is simply a group of specific rules, or parameters, that determine entry and exit points for a given equity. These points, known as signals, are often marked on a chart in real time and prompt the immediate execution of a trade.