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  • How to Cook for a Large Group on a Budget?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    Here's how to feed several people, even when you're on a budget. 1) Make it a potluck if you can. 2) Remember: Everyone loves pasta. 3) Except for the gluten intolerant. So make a grain salad, too. 4) Encourage guests to DIY. 5) Go heavy on easy sides that you can prep in advance.
  • What are the different types of easy dinner recipes that can be made with leftover ingredients?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    Pasta is a common easy dinner recipe that is prepared with leftover ingredients. Peanut noodles, miso soup, eggroll in a bowl are easy dinner recipes that are tasty as well as easy to prepare. Other items like spinach parmesan pasta, butternut squash, arugula and goat cheese pasta, Kale Caesar pasta salad, etc. can be prepared with the help of left
  • Can you use a candy thermometer as a meat thermometer while cooking?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    A candy thermometer cannot be used to replace of meat thermometer when gauging the heat of the meat. It is because the candy thermometer is long and narrow which makes it great for checking the temperature of hot sugar or oil but it would have difficulty piercing meat to get a temperature reading.