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  • What foods help broken bones heal faster?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    The major mineral in bones is calcium, so try to include foods high in this important mineral such as sea vegetables, green leafy vegetables, salmon, sardines with bones, and unsweetened cultured dairy like yogurt, kefir, and amasai.
  • How many Types of Immunotherapy Exist?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    There are many different methods within immunotherapy. Some clone or re engineer a patients own T-cells, prepare the immune system again specific infection, or introduce lab-made proteins into the immune system.
  • What is Immunotherapy?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    Immunotherapy is discipline that modifies the human immune system by increasing effectiveness and potency - activation immunotherapy or by decreasing activity and cell count - immunosuppression. While immunosuppression is predominantly used in organ transplants, in order for the organ to take to the host or autoimmune conditions, activation is used