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Showing 4 - 6 of 2182 results.
  • How much breast milk do you feed a newborn?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    Newborns' stomachs are so small, during the first week most full-term babies take no more than 1 to 2 ounces (30 to 60 mL) at feedings. After about four to five weeks, babies reach their peak feeding volume of about 3 to 4 ounces (90 to 120 mL) and peak daily milk intake of about 30 ounces per day (900 mL)
  • How do you know if your baby is getting enough milk?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    If you notice these signs, your baby should be getting enough milk: Your baby is feeding at least six to eight times a day . Breastfeeding feels comfortable and you are free of pain in your breast and nipple after the first few sucks, once your milk has let down . Your breasts feel softer and less full after feeds.
  • What is a gastrostomy feeding tube?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    A feeding tube is a device that's inserted into your stomach through your abdomen. It's used to supply nutrition when you have trouble eating.