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Showing 7 - 9 of 2223 results.
  • How can I strengthen my hip bones?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    1)Exercise regularly. Do weight-bearing exercises such as walking, dancing, and hiking, which stimulate bone formation. 2)Eat a diet rich in calcium. 3)Get your vitamin D. 4)Don't smoke. 5)Practice habits that prevent falls. 6)Know your bone density.
  • Can arthritis in hip cause lower back pain?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    Hip osteoarthritis, a breakdown of cartilage in the hip joint, can often cause symptoms of back, hip, and leg pain. Often, patients with arthritis in the back will also have it in other joints, and it can be difficult to distinguish which area may in fact be the cause of the patient's pain.
  • What does it feel like when your hip goes out?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    Pain that involves the hip joint is usually in the groin, right where your leg meets your body. The hip joint is in the groin and you can feel it as low as your knee, in the front of your leg down the thigh.