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  • How does weight training help to shed off belly fat?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    This is one of the most common questions many people have asked. Weight training is also called resistance training. It will help you to increase your lean muscle mass, which causes an increase to your metabolism. The more muscle you add, the more calories you will burn. Weight training is therefore a long-term strategy to reduce weight and keep it
  • Is apple cider vinegar good for losing belly fat?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    Apple Cider Vinegar and Weight Reduction. Researchers hypothesized that the acetic acid was responsible for the change, but this does not mean apple cider vinegar is a magic for burning fat. A healthy diet and exercise are the best ways to beat belly fat, and apple cider vinegar may give you a boost.
  • Is yogurt good for reducing belly fat?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    Body scans showed why. Sixty percent of the yogurt eater's weight reduction was belly fat, while only 26% of the comparison group's reduction was belly fat. You want to reduce fat, not muscle. Muscle helps burn calories, but it is often compromised during weight reduction."