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  • What is the healthiest Monster Energy Drink?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    1. Red Bull Total Zero. 2. Rockstar Recovery. 3. Monster Absolutely Zero. 4. Red Bull Sugar Free. 5. Rockstar Zero Carb. 6. Monster Lo-Carb. 7. Red Bull Original. 8. Monster Mega.
  • What is the healthiest energy drink for you?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    3 natural energy drinks that are way healthier than Red Bull. Nonstop marketing has caused energy drinks like Red Bull and Monster to be the first thing most people think of when they hit an afternoon slump or need a pre-workout boost. But the canned stimulants can wreck havoc on your health.
  • Which is the safest energy drink on the market?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    1. Red Bull. Red Bull is the original energy drink and makes a good choice for an energy boost. 2. Rockstar. 3. 5-Hour Energy Shot. 4. Water. 5. Coffee. 6. Espresso. 7. Black Tea. 8. Green Tea.