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  • How can medical billing software assist with the billing process?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    Medical billing software is a computer application that automates the healthcare billing process. Medical practices and billing companies can use this software to greatly improve their reimbursement rates, optimize revenue, and sustain the financial health of their businesses.
  • What are the common features of medical practice software?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    The common features of medical practice software are as follows: automatic medical billng, EHR integration, claim tracking, code sets, custimized patient scheduling, automatic reminders, patient demographics, practice reporting & car scanner.
  • Are electronic health records more secure than paper?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    Electronic health records enable you to give only authorized personnel access to patient data. Strong encryption protocols make sure that confidential patient information remains secure. Paper records pose a number of security risks and it can be difficult to detect when they have been tampered with.