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Showing 1 - 3 of 344 results.
  • What materials are required for refinishing cabinets?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    Refinishing materials come in a variety of quality levels. There are higher grade stains and varnishes and cheaper versions as well. If your cabinets will be in direct sunlight or located in an outdoor kitchen, you may need higher grade materials than if they do not get exposed to the elements at all. If you are spending the time and money for refi
  • What is the complexity of refinishing cabinets?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    Smooth front cabinetry without detailing, carving, or trim is simpler to refinish than cabinets with complex designs and details. Evenly refinishing complex carved or detailed cabinets takes more time and skill and is therefore more expensive.
  • What type of cabinets choices are available?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    Cabinets are available in a variety of styles including traditional, transitional and contemporary. A traditional cabinet will have face frame all-around doors and drawer fronts (this is also known as a traditional overlay or American style cabinet). A transitional style cabinet will have a minimal overlay, and the doors and drawer are larger, cove