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Showing 7 - 9 of 56 results.
  • What type of utensils can be used in a Microwave oven?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    One can use Ceramic, Chinaware, Porcelain, Glass, Thermoplastic wares, and Aluminum foils. The utensils should not have any metal trimmings or decoration. The above said timings are at maximum power levels of Microwave, the electricity consumption decreases correspondingly with lower power levels, which please note. Like most appliances, it is bett
  • Is pork good for your heart?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    Lean, white-meat pork is as healthy as chicken but not as healthy as fish. Current dietary recommendations are to eat fish as your protein source at least twice a week. Try these heart-smart cooking rules when you choose pork: Choose lean cuts not marbled with fat.
  • What type of cookware is best suited for you?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    Everyone has a cooking personality that plays a part in your choice of cookware. An assessment of your cooking skills and how much you enjoy cooking will help you decide what cookware will work for you. Do you hardly ever cook, are you new to cooking, do you cook just for family meals, or do you entertain a lot and consider yourself a good chef dab