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Showing 1 - 3 of 47 results.
  • What is an island in a kitchen?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    The kitchen island is a functional and necessary addition to many kitchen space, but the idea is to choose a kitchen island style that fits the overall design of a space. That means countertop surfaces, colors and accessories are all factors to consider when choosing your kitchen island style.
  • What is a island kitchen layout?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    A peninsula is basically a connected island, converting an L-shaped kitchen layout into a horseshoe or U-shape. In many kitchens that have this layout, the peninsula serves as a room divider that separates the kitchen from a dining or living room area, as seen in this design.
  • What is the best size for a kitchen island?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    The average size of a kitchen island is about 3 by 6½ feet (1,000 by 2,000 millimeters). This would typically have a surrounding clearance zone of about 40 inches (1,000 millimeters). But an island's size is usually determined by the distances around it, so it makes sense that larger rooms can allow for bigger islands.