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  • What are the model making techniques?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    There are few model making techniques like: 1) Using the right tools. 2) Using high quality cutting tools. 3) Carefully choosing materials. 4) Using a laser cutter if necessary. 5) Using sketch models. 6) Thinking about your lighting. 7) Make sure to have enough space. 8) Select the right adhesives.
  • Why is model making important?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    Model making is vital in architecture. Making physical model helps an architect to explore the potentials of the project as well as possibilities of having different solutions. It also helps the brain always think in 3 dimensional and ignite architects' imagination.
  • Which materials are used for modeling?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    There are few materials used for modeling: 1) Chipboard, plywood and MDF. 2) Softwood and hardwood sections. 3) Balsa wood. 4) Timber dowel. 5) Insulation boards. 6) Bamboo skewers and cocktail sticks. 7) Lollypop sticks and coffee stirrers. 8) Polystyrene.