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Showing 1 - 3 of 298 results.
  • Can you buy a plane ticket with a check?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    You may think you need a credit card to purchase an airline ticket. But a debit or prepaid card will work just as well. And your options may even expand to cash and checks if you book your flight through a travel agent or if you purchase your ticket at an airport ticket counter.
  • Are last-minute flights cheaper?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    Contrary to popular belief that last minute airfares are very expensive, one can get low airfares if lucky, including the peak travel season. If there are more than the expected number of cancellations, airline operators tend to offer these seats at low prices just to fill up all the vacant seats. However, if that does not happen, flyers have to sp
  • How do you find the lowest fare?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    Airlines use sophisticated algorithms to calculate demand for their seats. These so-called yield management systems mean that the price youre being quoted for a flight may not be the lowest one. Its based on demand for that flight based on historical averages. Whats more, if you dont push the buy button now, the fare may be gone in a few minutes. A