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Showing 1 - 3 of 254 results.
  • How to buy the best prom dress?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    As one of the most memorable occasions during the high school years, preparing for prom takes a lot of thought. From choosing the right hair-do to selecting the perfect dress, the highly anticipated occasion is not always easy to prepare for. For most girls, the dress is the most important part of the evening. When searching for the dress, there ar
  • When to Wear a T-Shirt?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    It should not be surprising that a garment that started out as underwear, and a staple for little boys, has retained something of its juvenile feel and reputation as the most casual of casual clothing. Its for this reason that style purists advocate for tees playing a minimal role in a mans wardrobe, and like to point out that in many other countri
  • When does an individual wear formal wear?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    Formal wear is a general term for clothing suitable for formal social events, such as a wedding, formal garden party or dinner, débutante cotillion, dance, or race. The Western style of formal evening dress, characterized by black and white garments, has spread through many countries; it is almost always the standard formal social dress in count