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  • Why is Backpacker insurance important?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    Chances are youve spent a while planning your trip of a lifetime and it probably wont have come cheap. Travel insurance can feel like an unnecessary expense, but its not! You may end up spending much more in the event of an emergency or something unforeseen. A missed flight may mean buying new tickets, an injury will mean paying
  • What is the difference between backpacker insurance and single trip?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    Single trip travel insurance is usually for those who have a schedule and an itinerary in mind. Single trip travel insurance also will not cover activities that are considered "risky", while backpackers travel insurance are for those who want to travel off the beaten track and may involve activities that are riskier.
  • What is backpacker travel insurance?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    Backpacker insurance is travel insurance that provides extra protection for people backpacking around the world. Travelling the world can be as unpredictable as it is fun, which is why backpacker travel insurance is so important for when youre off adventuring. Whether youre exploring a new city, hiking up a hill or swimming a picture-perfect shorel