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Showing 7 - 9 of 57 results.
  • Which are the popular shaving razor brands?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    The popular shaving razor brands differ in the case of men and women. Some leading brands for men are Merkur Futur, Gillette, Feather SS, Schick, and Dorco. In the case of women, the leading brands are Gillette, Veet, and OutofBox. Mainly, it is Gillette which makes a wide range of efficient razors both for men and women. The price of these razors
  • How does the the beard look like in its initial phase?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    A beard will initially look scruffy or scraggly and many men attempt to "clean it up". This is a mistake as it often ends up in awkward shaped beards. If you must take off something, go in with the idea of taking off as little as possible.
  • What happens when you start growing a beard?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    The growth phase of a beard is often accompanied by a lot of itchiness. The reason is your face being accustomed to shaving for so long and not having facial hair covering it. This new environment will potentially cause a mini havoc to your facial skin as beards collect dust that can irritate the skin.