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Showing 1 - 3 of 386 results.
  • What causes lap marks in the dried interior paint?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    Lap marks are created when a wet edge is not maintained while painting. It can also be caused when the paint is applied in a vertical motion only. Make sure to keep a wet edge as well as spread the paint in a W or M pattern on the wall. This will help spread the coating and create an even film on the surface. Once this is done, you can go right bac
  • While using interior paints, is it necessary to apply oil over latex paints?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    Yes. Never use oil paints on a surface previously painted with latex. Oil-based paints tend to get brittle as they age. Latex paints are typically soft and flexible. The movement of the latex underneath can cause premature failure of the oil topcoat. Cracking is the most common.
  • Which are the most popular kitchen paint colors?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    People always want to have a well-organized kitchen in their house. They want such a color that stands out and looks bright and welcoming. Most people now opt for a modular kitchen. Considering that and factoring in the oil and grease, the color brands have introduced special paints for the kitchen. The most popular kitchen paint colors are teal, c