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Showing 1 - 3 of 440 results.
  • What should one consider before buying a new appliance?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    A few questions help you start your search for a new appliance.Do I have enough counter / storage space available for the product I'm considering?Is it available in the color / finish I desire?Is it easy to clean / maintain?Are safety ratings and reports available to guide me?
  • What are some essential small kitchen appliances?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    If you purchased your new home or have just moved in a separate apartment and want to mend your kitchen right, here are some essential small kitchen appliances you should have. Slow cooker Mini food processor Electric tea kettle Seltzer maker Ice cream freezer Good old-fashioned toaster (not necessarily a toaster oven!) Handheld mixer Immersion ble
  • How to get cheap small appliance parts?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    To buy a new or used appliance part, you need to first check the model number of the appliance and its compatible parts. You can check online for cheap parts, both used and new, most of which are deliver quickly. You can fix the part all by yourself by checking tutorials online or check sites like repairclinic etc.