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Showing 1 - 3 of 80 results.
  • Which is the best low-calorie ice cream?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    100gm of non-fat frozen yogurt contains 112 calories and absolutely no fats. This is the case when there are no toppings added. However, the addition of healthy fruits like blueberry can add to the nutritional value of the frozen yogurt and be more beneficial. Hence, given the low calories per 100g and no fat, this can be considered the best low-ca
  • Can one make healthy ice cream at home?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    Frozen yogurt can be made at home, with both pre-frozen and fresh fruit. This doesnt even require an ice cream maker. All you would need to make frozen yogurt at home would be a food processor or the good old kitchen blender. Yogurt and fresh fruits should be blended till it reaches a smooth, creamy texture and it can further be frozen for a harder
  • Which are the popular healthy ice cream recipes?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    There are multiple recipes involving frozen yogurt available online. However, some really simple and popular recipes are that of chocolate, peanut butter, blueberry and raspberry flavors of frozen yogurt. The yogurt required and the main ingredient according to the flavor should be blended to achieve a smooth texture post which it can be frozen for