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  • Will I owe taxes when I sell my house?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997, many home sellers no longer owe taxes on the gain they make when they sell their houses. Married taxpayers who file jointly now get to keep, tax-free, up to $500,000 in gain on the sale of their home, as long as they lived in it for two of the prior five years. Single folks and married taxpayers who file separately get
  • When is the best time to sell my home?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    Every real estate market is different, therefore, the best time to sell a home will be different from real estate community to real estate community. In most cases, the spring months are the best time to be selling a home. The spring months will vary from community to community.
  • Where can one register their house to sell it fast?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    To sell your house fast, you can register your house at any of the top listing portals on the web. You can also register house with various real-estate firms and agents so you can sell it fast. Social media sites are also quite helpful when it comes to such situations as there are many groups in which you can post information about your house for i