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  • How do you take defensive driving online?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    1. Dismiss a traffic ticket. 2. Avoid accumulating more driving record points. 3. Avoid higher car insurance premiums. 4. Remove existing points from your driving record. 5. Reinstate your suspended driver's license. 6. Earn a car insurance discount.
  • What are the features of Wharton/Coursera: An Introduction to Corporate Finance?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    Length/start date: Runs for six weeks. Time commitment: Takes six to eight hours a week, no formal requirements, but it's a course taught to MBA students who have managed to get into Wharton, so it starts at a high level.Why you should take it: This is an entirely different set of tools than the ones you learn in accounting, helping provide the bas
  • Can Medical coders work from home?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    Medical coding is one of the easiest careers to work remotely from, as long as you work with a reputable company. Billers and coders will need access to the medical records to obtain information required to support billing and coding of a patient encounter accurately for reimbursement.