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Showing 7 - 9 of 2288 results.
  • Can one hire a real estate broker to find the right single-family home?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    Yes, there are Single Family Rental Operators that can help you find single family homes suited to your taste and budget. You can hire these Single Family Rental operators to get assistance in finding the right type of single family home for you. All you have to do is clearly state your requirements and desires and Single-family rental operators wi
  • How do I choose a real estate agent?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    When selecting an agent, the best source may be your family and friends. Many may have sold a property in the past and can refer you to an agent they found to be capable. Selling a home is a complex transaction, so experience should be a consideration. Also consider agents who work for larger companies, as they tend to offer more extensive training
  • Is commercial and industrial real estate a better investment than residential real estate?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    It's a matter of opinion in many respects, however well located and well managed commercial or industrial real estate can perform extremely well and can pay huge dividends over the long term. Commercial and industrial real estate generally offers higher returns than residential real estate with less tenant turnover and tenancy problems. Remember th