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Showing 1 - 3 of 24 results.
  • What is Street Hockey?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    Also known as road hockey, this is a dry-land variant of ice and roller hockey played year-round on a hard surface (usually asphalt). A ball is usually used instead of a puck, and protective equipment is not usually worn.
  • Is the sport of hockey safe for my child?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    Yes. Hockey players wear more protective equipment than any other sport. A study has shown that ice hockey injuries ranked after both basketball and soccer in emergency room visits related to sport and recreational activities. Youth hockey is a different game than the NHL. With a different set of rules in place, youth hockey places a stronger empha
  • How is air hockey played?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    Air hockey is a game where two players play against each other on a low-friction table. Air hockey requires an air-hockey table, two player-held strikers, and a puck. An air hockey table has a very smooth and slippery surface which reduces friction by suspending the puck on a cushion of air, causing it to glide in a straight line at a relatively co