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  • What are the positives of getting an affordable whole life insurance?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    An affordable whole life insurance carries some positive aspects. It is an investment that has a guaranteed modest return. Also, a fixed amount of premium has to be paid. Another positivity that this type of insurance carries is the development of cash value. One is able to borrow and withdraw it even before their death in case the need for it aris
  • Why should one opt for a whole life insurance early on?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    One should always consider buying a whole life insurance at an early age because it is cheaper. It would be the best option to go for a life insurance policy as long as one is healthy. The main risk for the insurance agency is a situation of an early death of the applicant. Another risk for the insurance company would be the situation of terminatio
  • What is the cost of getting an affordable whole life insurance?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    The cost of getting an affordable whole life insurance depends on many factors. The cost may vary under the consideration of factors like gender, age, health, residence, occupation, and the type of the policy you have considered to take. The more all of these factors fit in satisfactorily, the cheaper the policy premiums will get.