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Showing 1 - 3 of 94 results.
  • What is the meaning of gourmet kitchen?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    A gourmet kitchen is a kitchen with professional appliances of high performance. Easy-to-clean surfaces, and storage for specialty items. A spice collection. The kitchen should be set up by stations where to prepare food, cook, clean and serve food. A big variety of good quality professional pots.
  • Are raw eggs or egg whites safe to use in uncooked dishes?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    Whole eggs, egg yolks and egg white should all be treated the same way and cooked until solid to kill any potential bacteria. Recipes that call for uncooked eggs are risky for young children, the elderly, pregnant women and anyone with a chronic health condition or weakened immune system. These people should avoid food with raw or slightly cooked e
  • What is a gourmet cupcake?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    There really is no standard definition of a gourmet cupcake. Anything edible that is described as gourmet is generally associated with fine food that's made with high-quality ingredients and looks fantastic. For cupcakes, gourmet indicates that they are created with care in small batches.