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Showing 13 - 15 of 38 results.
  • What is a programming software?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    Programming software is a software which helps the programmer in developing other software. Compilers, assemblers, debuggers, interpreters etc. are examples ofprogramming software. Integrated development environments (IDEs) are combinations of all these software.
  • Which are some of the popular mobile app development tools?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    Xamarin, Apache Cordova, Ionic, Native Script, PhoneGap, Sencha, Corona, the AppBuilder, and Appcelerator are some of the well-known mobile app development tools.
  • Why are there so many programming languages?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    Many programming languages started with one programmer making a language for themselves for a specific purpose. These languages then grew. Some companies, like Sun Microsystems and Microsoft create their own languages, Java and .NET spring to mind. Java is cross platform, .NET is less so.