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  • Whom should you consult with to find out more about high protein foods?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    You can consult with one of the following professionals including a general physician, specialist of osteopathy, and bariatric physicians along with your normal dietician.
  • Does having a snack right before bedtime lead to weight gain?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    Doctors have been advising healthy eating habits since times immemorable. It has been observed that eating snacks before bed is likely to cause weight gain in most people. The reason is quite simple, eating a snack before bed is equal to an extra meal, thereby, increasing the number of calories. And naturally, the high calories are likely to increa
  • What kind of midnight snacks are easy-to-make and healthy as well?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    Midnight snacks are usually high on carbs and low in protein. This is because the bodys metabolism rate falls during the night and you do not have to stay awake feeling fuller. Some healthy snacks ideas for the late night are tart cherries, a banana with almond butter, kiwis, protein smoothie, hot cereal, eggs, strawberries, and brie. These ideas a