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  • How does a flood detector work?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    Flood sensors come in all varieties, but they pretty much all work using the same mechanism: when water touches two exposed metal probes, the device senses increased conductivity between those probes and sets off an alarm. It's a simple idea that can potentially save you thousands of dollars.
  • What is the basic function of a flood detector or flood sensors?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    Although Flood sensors come in all varieties, but they pretty much all work using the same mechanism. When water touches two exposed metal probes, the device senses increased conductivity between those probes and sets off an alarm.
  • How do you know a flood is coming?

    Asked by unknown
    1 Answers
    Flash Flood signs are red flags, one should watch out for slow-moving storms that repeatedly move over the same area. If you see water is collecting in pools, this is a sign the ground is over saturated with water and that flooding can occur.